
Temptation Florist | Select your bouquet and enjoy free same day delivery service in Seremban, Klang Valley & Selangor area. No delivery charges. Fresh flower guaranteed.
Make your loved one feel special. Your love can find its way by the little gesture of presenting a marriage proposal flower. Use and tap into the perfect time to express your feelings and take your relationship to the next level. A bouquet is a beautiful thing by which you can convey your message. The flowers can range from romantic roses, lilies, or a plant to express and shower your love. We even customize the design to your taste. We offer a great range of marriage proposal flowers which can be exchanged for your future wife or future husband. We make sure and maintain the durability of the flowers. The flowers are traveled very carefully, and the freshness, beauty and fragrance of flowers are preserved. We aim to create happy, satisfied customers and entail long-lasting relationships with our customers.